Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Memory is too much a burden: poem and painting

My poem, "Memory is too much a burden," and my painting below, "Marin Headlands Study 1," were published in The Montague Reporter's poetry page on April 30, 2020, with poems and art by Trish Crapo and Nina Rossi. Christopher Sawyer-Lauçanno is the poetry editor at The Montague Reporter. 

Marin Headlands Study 1

Memory is too much a burden


Memory is too much a burden.

With this acceleration, 

the requisite catalog 

too much to keep.


Forgetting is a luxury. On Thursday the president proposed 

we inject disinfectant. How do you write a love poem? 

The birds have returned to look at us.

A robin, perched on the fence, 

watches me drag a chair across the yard

to sit and read a book.


A friend’s bicycle helmet    hangs on a wooden beam

now a nest for finches. I cannot 

remember the sweet tobacco of my mother’s hair. I cannot 

remember the tilt of your mother’s head 

as she worked a hook in yarn. I cannot 

remember how sunlight beams in through the tall windows, 

stretches the length of the wooden floor 

as we work together. I cannot remember sitting, 

our elbows on the table, as we argue the succulent oranges 

from their pungent, elastic skin.

-Samantha Wood